- Post Thumbnails Show a thumbnail image (small image) for every post using this template
- Good Typography Simplex Big Blue template has beautiful Typography (font styles). Your website will look beautiful and readable
Customization Features
- Widget Ready Simplex Big Blue template comes with many widgetized area. Add your widgets easily using this template
- Footer Widgets Simplex Big Blue template comes with footer widgets. Use your footer area effectively for engaging your users
More Features
- SEO Ready Simplex Big Blue template is optimized for Search engines like Google. This template helps your website to rank higher in search engines
- Related Posts Simplex Big Blue template shows related posts in the bottom of every post. This improves user engagement of your site
- Ad Ready This template comes with my AD ready locations. You can put ad after every post title, after the first post in home page, beside the related posts. Also, AD Widget ready for sidebars.
- RSS Buttons Simplex Big Blue template comes with RSS Buttons. Let your user follow you using your RSS feed
- Social Buttons This template comes with social buttons like facebook, twitter etc., Let your users share your content easily
- Search box Simplex Big Blue template has search box in it. Search box helps your user to find the content easily on your site
- Widget Menu This template has Widget menu. Meaning, you do not need to edit the HTML to set up navigation menu
- Author Widget Simplex Big Blue template comes with Author widget. Use this widget in post footer. Useful if your blog has multiple authors.
LOGO Widget
- Go to Layout and
- click edit on logo widget.
- You can add a logo here if you want (like thesimplexdesign.com).
- Otherwise, it will show your blog title automatically like in the demo.
Social Links
- Find the following in the template xml file.
- Update the href values with your social links
<ul class='social'>
<li><a class='social-feed' href='http://feeds.feedburner.com/lovelytemplates' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>RSS feed</a></li>
<li><a class='social-twitter' href='http://twitter.com/lovelytemplates' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Twitter</a></li>
<li><a class='social-facebook' href='http://www.facebook.com/lovelytemplates' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Facebook</a></li>
<li class='last'><a class='social-youtube' href='https://plus.google.com/u/1/108626685028871955867/posts'>Google+</a></li>
Feedburner Newsletter subscription
Find this code in the template XML file.
<form action='http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify' class='newsletter-form' method='post' onsubmit='window.open('http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=lovelytemplates', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true' target='popupwindow'>
<input class='email' name='email' onblur='if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'E-mail';}' onfocus='if (this.value == 'E-mail') {this.value = '';}' type='text' value='E-mail'/>
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value='Simplex'/>
<input name='title' type='hidden' value='Simplex'/>
<input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/>
<input class='submit' name='submit' type='submit' value='Submit'/>
Replace the above code with your Feedburner email subscription code. In most cases it is enough to just replace uri=lovelytemplates with uri=YOURFEEDURI
To add Advertisement to the space between first post and the rests in homepage and archive page
Find this code
<div class='home-content-ad'>
<div class='ad-code'>
<!-- Ad code -01 -->
<div class='clear'/>
<div class='clear'/>
</div><!--end .home-content-ad-->
And replace the text <!-- Ad code -01 --> to your own ad code. Recommended 468x60 ad unit.
To add ad code under post title. Find this code
<div style='margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;'>
<!-- Ad code-02 -->
Replace <!-- Ad code-02 --> with your ad code
To add ad code in the space next to related posts section. Find this code
<div class='entry-bottom-ad'>
<h3 class='ad-title'>Advertisement</h3>
<!--Ad unit 3 goes here-->
</div><!--end .entry-bottom-ad-->
Replace <!--Ad unit 3 goes here--> with your own ad code.
Author info Under Every Post
To edit credit name under each post. Find this
<div class='author-description'>
<h3>HuyDinhQuang - administrator</h3>
HuyDinhQuang (known as Nhamngahanh) is a blogger and founder of Simplexdesign blog . Learn more about him <a href='http://www.thesimplexdesign.com/p/about-me.html'>here</a> and connect with SimplexDesign community in <a href='http://twitter.com/dinhquanghuy'>Twitter</a>,<a href='http://www.facebook.com/simplexdesignblog'>Facebook</a>,and <a href='https://plus.google.com/u/1/108626685028871955867/posts'>Google+</a>
</div> <!--end .author-link-->
And replace it with your own author info / bio .
Template Layout:-
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